You are in the right station at the right time. Curious station is the website which delivers marketing and business related articles such as the latest marketing news, marketing terms with explanation an so on. And also we intend to create a page that is about the life story of famous entrepreneurs and how they achieved such success and what factors helped them reach such level. The articles in this website is reliable and before publishing each article will be checked by our team members.
Curious Station was found in 2020 by Kayumboyev Dilmurod and was launched as a website. He aimed to make marketing terms and news accessible easily and easier to understand.
Although we have such a great background, our intention for future is clear and working on it as a team. We believe in the bright future.
Kayumboyev Dilmurod is the founder of the Curious Station website and his interest for Marketing appeared while he was studying at University. Then he decided to create marketing related website that is Curious Station.